
Exhaustless driving

There are plenty of great alternative transport fuels to gasoline and diesel for us everyday drivers. A car can also run on bio or natural gas or electricity. When you drive a biogas car, you save both natural resources and money!

Why biogas?

  • Affordable
  • Clean fuel
  • Domestic
  • When you choose biogas, you're a pioneer in green development!

Save money

Biogas and natural gas are more affordable than gasoline or diesel. In filling stations the price of gas is displayed by kilo instead of liter. A motive power tax must be paid for a gas car, however, it is smaller than that of a diesel car. Principally, it can be said that with an annual driving mileage of over 10 000 kilometers, a gas car is more affordable than a diesel car. Driving a biogas car saves at least a third in the price of fuel. Biogas will most likely become even more affordable in the future, as refueling stations increase and competition rises.

Mind the environment while driving

Biogas is a renewable fuel. Driving with biogas doesn't produce any calculatory greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, biogas doesn't include any sulfur or heavy metals that would be released in the burning process. 

A gas car can be driven with both bio and natural gas. Practically, a biogas car produces 97 percent less CO2 emissions than a gasoline car. For comparison, driving with natural gas produces 25 percent less CO2 emissions than a gasoline car. 

The benefits of biogas also include the fact that it is domestic, so, unlike oil-based fuel, it doesn't have to be imported for long distances. The biogas sold at Gasum's gas filling stations has been produced in Finland, and in the future, a locally produced South Karelian gas can be bought in Lappeenranta!

Gas prices
Gasum's gas campaign


Transport and vehicles


Traffic is one of the major sources of environmental pollution. More than one third of all greenhouse gas emissions produced by Finns stem from transport and traffic. Car use cannot be stopped completely due to the long distances people need to travel and the sparsely populated regions in Finland, but there are also other alternatives. For example, in a city the size of Lappeenranta, using public transport rather than running a second family car is a sensible option.

Alternative fuel options are also available for everyday drivers instead of petrol or diesel. We can run our cars on biofuel, natural gas, or electricity. When you cruise along in a biogas-fuelled care, you help save the environment and yourself some money!

A biker in the snow. Houses in the background.

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Select a climate action:

  • Use public transport
  • Reduce private car use
  • Walk and cycle
  • Share a ride
  • Plan routes
  • Combine trips to the store and work


Drive economically

  • Buy a biogas, hybrid or electric car
  • Economical driving
  • Avoid keeping unnecessary items in the car
  • Maintain the correct tire pressure
  • Accelerate briskly to the permitted driving speed
  • Drive at a steady speed, use cruise control, and anticipate hills
  • Avoid unnecessary acceleration and braking
  • Remember to maintain a safe distance between vehicles
  • Think ahead
  • Use engine braking
  • Check your tire pressure
  • Preheat the engine if the temperature falls below +5°C
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