Hinku (Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities) network brings together municipalities, businesses, citizens and experts to create and carry out solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The FISU (Finnish Sustainable Communities) network includes 11 pioneering Finnish municipalities. The network's theme is the implementation of the resource wisdom roadmap initiated by Sitra in its own operations.
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is a worldwide network that implements sustainable development work at the local level with many different themes. In particular, the themes are climate change and circular economy.
The Covenant of Mayors network is a worldwide network of municipalities that aims to reduce climate emissions. When committing to the network, municipalities make an assessment and program of Sustainable Energy Use and Climate Emissions. Lappeenranta's climate program has been drawn up in accordance with this principle.
Green City Accord is a network of municipalities established by the EU Commission, whose goal is sustainable and healthy cities.
The NetZeroCities is a program of the European Union, which helps the selected cities in achieving carbon-neutrality in 2030. The selected cities will act as centres of experimentation and innovation for solutions that will enable all European cities to achieve the same goals by 2050.
The Green Leaf Network is a network established by the EU Commission for Green Leaf winning cities.
EBN (The European Business and Innovation Center Network) promotes the development of business services in the EU.
The city of Lappeenranta also implements the UN sustainable development indicators.
The regional network of energy and environmental actors, Greenreality Network, which is coordinated by the city of Lappeenranta, belongs to the International Cleantech Network ICN.