Greenreality Lappeenranta

Less talk, more actions

Our goals are ambitious. We want to be a model city for sustainable actions and work at the forefront to achieve it. Lappeenranta has already achieved plenty of attention for its sustainable development actions, i.e.: 

  • We have been WWF's Climate Capital of Finland in 2014 & 2016
  • We are the first city in the world to utilize only EKOenergy certified electricity
  • We are the first city in Finland to acquire only biogas or electric cars
  • We received the Finnish Association of Municipal Engineering's (FAME) award for separate plastic collection in 2018
  • We received the European Green Leaf 2021 Award from the European Commission
  • Lappeenranta was chosen as one of the 100 climate cities of the European Union in the spring of 2022
  • Our Mayor Kimmo Jarva was part of the 2022 Covenant of Mayors initiative, the world's largest climate network for local climate energy actions

The aim is to become a carbon neutral city by 2030. By 2050, we are a city that doesn't produce landfill waste or greenhouse gas emissions and doesn't overproduce.


Greenreality in Lappeenranta


In Lappeenranta, we invest in green actions open-mindedly. We have pioneered sustainable solutions, and participated actively in climate change mitigation, improving circular economy and restoring waterbodies. 

A green Lappeenranta is a key goal in the city strategy in terms of both residential comfort and industrial policy. Our actions are based on resource wisdom and carbon neutrality.

A green info sign with Greenreality Lappeenranta written with big letters. Blurry in the background, sculptures of the sandcastle and a blue sky.

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