Are you looking for business growth, or do you have development needs or an innovative idea?
We offer you information, guidance and comprehensive networks to support your business for analysing your funding needs and sourcing the suitable public funding providers. Our group of experts will further your development idea further and propose how to finance it through public EU funding. European cooperation projects can be used to finance, for example, product development, research, piloting, and commercialisation.
Included in our service free of charge are:
* review of the business or development idea and evaluating its potential for receiving funding
* recommendation on the most suitable financial instrument (public international funding)
* recommendation on potential compatibility with joint ventures during preparation
* sparring and assistance with drawing up a funding application and a plan
* national and international contacts for applying for funding
Contact us, we will confidentially further your idea!
Lappeenranta’s sub-regional units |
Imatra’s sub-regional units Imatran Seudun Kehitysyhtiö Oy Katja Vehviläinen, +358 440 717 7991 |
The service entity is implemented as part of the ”Kansainvälisillä verkostoilla vaikuttavuutta” project, which is partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund, coordinated by the Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, and partly implemented by Lappeenranta University of Technology, Imatran Seudun Kehitysyhtiö Oy and Wirma Lappeenranta Oy.