Green district heating takes us towards a more environmentally friendly future

By admin, 1 October, 2020

Lappeenrannan Energia offers a new green product for district heating.

Green district heat is produced at the combined heat and power (CHP) facility of Kaukaan Voima using renewable sources of energy, such as wood residuals and forest chips. Green district heat is produced carbon neutrally in cogeneration with electricity, making it an ecological form of heating. You can easily switch to carbon neutral district heating by contacting the customer service of Lappeenrannan Energia.

The green district heating product was motivated by the needs of the customers of Lappeenrannan Energia. When buying electricity, customers can choose a green option, which is generated using environmentally friendly wind power, solar power and hydropower. Customers of Lappeenrannan Energia have been wanting a similar product for district heating, although district heat is already mainly generated using renewable wood-based fuels.

“Owners of large commercial properties have been asking for a greener district heating option. We investigated how we could create this type of product,” says Jussi Selenius, Account Manager of Lappeenrannan Energia.

“Another company certifies that our heat comes from renewable energy sources and verifies the amount of energy produced. This allows us to sell renewable heat to our customers. People can now make their electricity and heat consumption emission-free by buying 100% renewable electricity and heat,” Selenius explains.

The idea behind green district heating is to offer customers the possibility to minimise their emissions from heating. The carbon neutrality of the product is based on renewable sources of energy, such as wood residuals and forest chips, which are used to produce heat. The product is targeted to detached houses, housing companies and businesses.

“Different environmental assessment systems are common in construction and real estate. Companies can influence their environmental classification by opting for a form of heating generated entirely using renewable sources of energy. Switching to green district heating is an inexpensive way to make an environmentally friendly choice as it only has a minor effect on your heating bills,” Selenius says.

District heating is generated in combined heating and electricity production

Green district heat is produced in Lappeenranta at the Kaukaan Voima CHP facility, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. Wood-based fuel is combusted in a modern circulating fluidized bed boiler, which produces high pressure steam. The resulting energy is converted into kinetic energy in the steam turbine and further into electricity by the generator. The steam that comes from the turbine is used to generate heat. Kaukaan Voima is a CHP plant which produces both heat and electricity.

“Cogeneration of heat and electricity guarantees efficiency and reduces environmental impact,” says Juha Kouki, CEO of Kaukaan Voima.

Approximately 90% of the energy sources used by Kaukaan Voima are renewable wood-based fuels, which can be sold as green district heat. The wood-based fuel consists of bark from factories, other similar by-products of the forest industry and logging residue. Peat only accounts for 10% of energy sources used at the Kaukaan Voima plant.

Green choices make a big difference

Properties belonging to the district heating network can now opt for greener heating at a small additional cost. Switching to green district heating does not require any equipment updates or new investments. The switch can be easily done by contacting the customer service of Lappeenrannan Energia by phone or email. Green district heating is an inexpensive form of heating and a great way to make your property more carbon neutral.




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