Lappeenranta is being developed into a cycling city

By admin, 29 April, 2014

Lappeenranta is being developed into a cycling city

The city of Lappeenranta has launched a goal-oriented programme for promoting cycling. The key goal of the programme is to develop a uniform, high-quality network of cycle paths inside the city’s area. The programme seeks to increase bike use in commuting to work and also make cycling a preferred mode of transport during leisure time. The vision is that Lappeenranta will be the Cycling City of the Year in 2015.

Over the past two years, a network of cycle paths has been systematically constructed in Lappeenranta, in consultation with active cyclists. In addition to the integration of the cycle paths, road kerbs will be lowered, road surfaces will be repaired, and more signs, lights and cycle parking will be introduced. A simplified map of the cycle paths and brochures in various languages will be published in May.

According to City Engineer Pasi Leimi, the criteria for a high-quality network of cycle paths include a straight-forward network structure, straight and uniform pathways, safe crossings and winter maintenance.

– The uniform network in Lappeenranta now comprises 95 kilometres of cycle paths in total. The main routes have been selected so that they form a comprehensive and clear network through the city from all directions. A group of active cyclists from Lappeenranta have been involved in the development of the cycle path network, says Leimi. 

He predicts that the development of the main routes will help increase cycling even though active new construction in the city centre will present challenges to the development of the cycle paths for another few years. In the city centre, the development is even more challenging, because the new cycle paths need to be built in line with the existing street network. 

As cycling becomes more popular, it enhances the Green Lappeenranta brand and contributes to the city’s goal of reducing GHG emissions by 30% from the 1990 level by 2020 in accordance with the climate programme.  

Survey charts people’s transport habits

A public transport survey has been opened on the city of Lappeenranta’s website for charting people’s everyday transport habits. The information collected in the survey includes, for example, which mode of transport do the residents of Lappeenranta use to commute to work and move around during their leisure time, what are the distances they commute to work and move around during leisure time, and how many trips do they make in one day.

A breakdown by mode of transport is made on the basis of the survey responses, estimating the percentage shares of walking, cycling and riding a bus from the total transport during May. The plan is to repeat the survey in one year’s time.

There will be a drawing, for two local transport city tickets for 30 days unlimited number of trips on any bus that runs within the Lappeenranta city region, among all respondents who provide their contact details. The survey is open on the city of Lappeenranta’s website at: > Palvelut > Joukkoliikenne > Liikennekysely


Further information > Palvelut > Kadut-ja-liikenne > Kevyt-liikenne > Pyöräilyn-pääreitit

City Engineer Pasi Leimi,, tel. +358 40 740 1643


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