Opportunities for nutrient recycling in South Karelia theme to be continued soon

By admin, 1 September, 2016

The opportunities for nutrient recycling in South Karelia theme to be continued soon

A Green Energy Showroom theme event on the opportunities for nutrient recycling in South Karelia was held on Monday the 29th of August 2016 at the Kehruuhuone in the Fortress in Lappeenranta. Nutrient recycling is a topical subject in South Karelia, at this time, when decisions are being made, on which solution to choose for the treatment of municipal sludge. New innovations emerge all the time, but more operators, open-minded partnerships and, above all, cooperation, is needed in South Karelia to enhance the nutrient cycle. Around 30 people from companies and the university came to the event. The event programme included interesting presentations on the subject and the discussion was lively. The development of projects related to nutrient recycling will continue in the theme group on nutrient recycling that will be formed this autumn. 

Thank you to all the participants and speakers at the event!

The event’s presentations (in Finnish):

HYVÄ-hankkeen tilannekatsaus, Riitta Moisio, Lappeenrannan lĂ€mpövoima

HYVÄ-hankkeen yleissuunnittelu, Kristian Sahlstedt, Pöyry

Uusia tuulia lietteen kÀsittelyssÀ, Juhani Anhava ja Janne Kauppi, Outotec

KÀsittelyprosessien LCA-mallinnuksen hyödyntÀminen ravinnekierron optimoinnissa, Antti Niskanen, LCA Consulting

Ravinne- ja hiilivirtojen hyödyntÀminen lannoitetuotannossa, Juuso Joona, Soilfood

KierrÀtettyjen ravinteiden lannoitteiden tuotteistus ja haitta-aineiden huomioiminen, Mervi Matilainen, Apila Group

Ravinteiden kierrÀtyksen TOP 3 mahdollisuudet EtelÀ-Karjalassa? Mika Horttanainen, LUT

Ravinnekiertojen kokeiluohjelman rahoitus tarjolla - miten eteenpÀin? Markku MÀki-Hokkonen, Wirma

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