What is Green Leaf?

European Green Leaf cities

2024 Elsinore, Velenje
2022 Winterswijk, Valongo2021 Lappeenranta, Gabrovo
2020 Limerick, Mechelen
2019 Cornellà de Llobregat, Horst aan de Maas
2018 Leuven, Växjö
2017 Galway
2015 Mollet del Vallès, Torres Vedras


What is Green Leaf?


The European Green Leaf Award is open to all towns and cities across Europe with a population of 20,000 and up to 100,000 inhabitants. The European competition recognises a city’s commitment to better environmental outcomes. The scheme has a particular focus on efforts that generate green growth and new jobs.

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The selection of a city awarded with the title of European Green Leaf is assessed on the basis of six topic areas:  Nature, Biodiversity, Sustainable Land Use and Soil, Air Quality and Noise,  Waste and Circular Economy, Water, Climate Change and Energy Performance and Sustainable Urban Mobility.

In the Jury presentation three areas were evaluated:

  • The city’s overall commitment, strategy and enthusiasm as conveyed by the presentation.
  • The  city’s  efforts  to  communicate  to  citizens  and  the  citizens’  engagement  in  environmental activities.
  • The city’s potential to act as a ‘green ambassador’, promoting good practice and spreading the EGL concept further.
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