A pioneer in environmentally friendly energy production

The share of renewable, domestic energy sources in the energy production of Lappeenranta clearly exceeds the national average. The second largest biopower plant in Finland, operated by Kaukaan Voima Oy, generates process steam and electricity for the UPM Kaukas mills. In addition, it supplies Lappeenrannan Energia with district heat and electricity. The plant covers approximately 85% of the annual district heating requirements of the city of Lappeenranta.

The district heating produced from renewable energy by Kaukaan Voima Oy significantly reduces the greenhouse gas emissions of Lappeenranta.

The power plant, which has a heat output of 385 MW, is fuelled by forest industry by-products, such as bark, branches, tops, stumps, small timber and peat. All ash, generated by the burning process, is utilised in earthworks or forest fertilisation.

The power plant is Finland’s largest consumer of solid wood fuel, i.e. wood that does not have any use as a raw material at higher degrees of processing. Biofuels cover approximately 80% of the plant’s annual fuel demand, with approximately 50% of the biofuel consisting of leftover materials, from on-site mill activities.

Kaukaan Voima’s biopower plant produces 85% of Lappeenranta’s district heating.

The district heating produced from renewable energy by Kaukaan Voima Oy significantly reduces the greenhouse gas emissions of Lappeenranta. The district heating emissions of Lappeenrannan Energia Oy have been cut in half by the bioenergy plant and are now approximately 50% of the Finnish average.

Kaukaan Voima is owned by Pohjolan Voima Oy (54%) and Lappeenrannan Energia Oy (46%).

Kaukaan Voima’s website


Kauvon biovoimalaitos
53200 Lappeenranta

POINT (28.233588 61.061839)
Näytä sivulla
Lappeenrannan teot
Yritysten teot
Lappeenrannan teot
Yritysten teot
Lappeenrannan teot
Yritysten teot
Lappeenrannan teot
Yritysten teot
Lappeenrannan teot
Yritysten teot
Renewable heat
Noston koko
Vaalean vihreä
Original ID
Iso yläkuva