By admin, 31 August, 2020


Aurelia Turbines, the producer of the most efficient small gas turbines in the world, has commenced deliveries by shipping its first turbine for commercial use. The Aurelia® A400 turbine was sent to a client from Aurelia’s factory in Lappeenranta, Finland.

By admin, 12 May, 2020

The City of Lappeenranta has reached the finals in the competition for the greenest city in Europe, or the 2021 European Green Leaf Award. Lappeenranta was among the finalists last year as well, but did not win. Now the city will be able to pursue the title once again in the finals to be held in Lisbon at the turn of September–October. 

By admin, 28 April, 2020

The City of Lappeenranta wants to be involved in the global efforts of companies in the region to mitigate climate change. The city has now started to support this by acquiring two solar-powered cookers from the Lappeenranta-based company Afstor Oy. The cookers will be delivered to a village without electricity in Africa, where wood is burned as an energy source for cooking, among other things.  

By admin, 9 April, 2020

The city of Lappeenranta has prepared a climate program for the next ten years during the past winter. The city wanted to involve companies and residents in the preparation of the program. Therefore, Lappeenranta organized multiple workshops with different themes like energy, transport, and construction. Plenty of useful ideas and suggestions came up in the workshops.

By admin, 28 February, 2020


The City of Lappeenranta is organising a seminar in Brussels on 3 March 2020. The topic of the seminar is " Cities as Trailblazers – How can global challenges be solved at the local level?". The seminar will be held jointly with a committee representing the EU member states, the Association of Finnish Municipalities, and the Association of South Karelia.

By admin, 5 December, 2019

The city of Lappeenranta is taking part in the climate summit arranged in Madrid on December 9. 200 countries have been invited to the event.

City government's Second Chairperson Hanna Holopainen, a Member of Parliament, presents the city's climate actions in a seminar arranged during the summit, where the actions and presence of cities in climate issues is discussed.   

By admin, 22 November, 2019

Revolution of circular economy?

MERVI: The basis of the Urban Infra Revolution (UIR) project is to develop more sustainable and ecological materials from local side streams to future building. The goal is to manufacture material that can be, vernacularly, 3D printed to its final form, so molds are no longer needed. At the same time, concerning the printing technique, a certain rheology and runniness is expected of the material, so the final product has a smooth and aesthetic surface. The material now exists, and it's called "geposite".

By admin, 22 November, 2019

A Greenreality Homes operated test period of sustainable everyday living was arranged for voluntary households in Lappeenranta from September to October. The households participating had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with everyday living that produces a smaller carbon footprint and experiment with goods and services that support sustainable ways of living. During the test period, the households managed to reduce their carbon footprints by approximately 12 percent.Â